CustomerEngagePro Open Source web Analytics tool to Identify Critical Behaviors in Converting Prospects into Leads
Running an On-Premise analyticstools or Advanced Analytics is important as it helps to continuously monitor website leads and past customers when they execute actions such as making a purchase, or filling out of lead forms. Beside leads and customers, there are some other segments of website’s visitors that are not likely to become possible prospects, therefore, the first step in tracking prospects is knowing who is and who is not a prospect. In creating consumer segmentations, it is much easier to analyse customer behaviours and lead behaviours, as these users have essentially taken important steps such as filling out forms and making purchases. The first step in figuring out how to improve conversions is by gathering consumers’ feedback and analysis. This is because Data-driven decision making process for business is extremely effective in optimizing the entire customer lifecycle on your website. The idea of using CustomerEngagePro open source Enterprise Analytics softw...